Obama campaign talks financial aid, youth vote in conference call

Jasen Sokol

Several high-ranking members of President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign in Ohio held a conference call Wednesday with Ohio student media outlets to discuss their campaign plans.

Greg Schultz, Obama for America Ohio State Director, said there was a “clear choice” in the presidential race, adding that there are “two very different philosophies for our country’s future.”

Obama for America Ohio Press Secretary Jessica Kershaw

Daniel Rajaiah, President of the College Democrats of Ohio, attacked Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan’s budget plan and its effects on financial aid.

“Under the Romney-Ryan budget, more than 356,000 Ohio students would see their Pell college scholarships cut by an average of $830,” Rajaiah said. “5,390 work-study positions for Ohio students would be eliminated.”

But when asked about how much money the campaign is spending on the youth vote, Obama for America Ohio Press Secretary Jessica Kershaw instead talked about the importance of focusing on voter registration.

Lora Rae Anderson, Organizing for America Ohio Youth Vote Director, did stress the October 9 voter registration deadline.

Jasen Sokol is the anchor of Portage Pulse, TV2’s new public affairs program premiering this Sunday at 11:30 AM. Contact him at [email protected].