TV2: Pedal with Pete raises awareness

Kyle Heintzelman

KentWired Video

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Lucas Wickiser prepares for the evening newscast by checking the audio board and readying the microphones.

Lucas is just like every member of the TV2 Tech Crew. The only difference is he was born with Cerebral Palsy, but Lucas says that doesn’t affect his daily routine.

“The main thing I have to deal with every day is joint pain and basic movement,” Wickiser said.

“Pedal with Pete Foundation hadn’t had any grass routes marketing done for their foundation before. It’s a cerebral palsy foundation so they do a lot of grass routes events like bike-a-thons. And there has been minimal participation by the Kent community.”

Craig Zamary oversaw the project. Before long he became more involved and was moved by the cause.

“With next month being Cerebral Palsy Month and, Pete, that’s what he’s about. His objective, his goal is to help raise awareness and money to help get rid of cerebral palsy, and he donates that money to go toward research,” Zamary said.

March is Cerebral Palsy Awareness month. Educating people about the condition is the first step to finding a cure.

“I believe that it’s a great thing that they’re trying to research cerebral palsy, especially severe cases. For people that are in wheelchairs if a cure is found that would be one of the greatest things that could be done for them. I applaud the people that are trying to do this.”

Contact Kyle Heintzelman at [email protected].