Kent State student to attend President Obama’s forum Tuesday

USG Executive DIrector Justin Pierce

Caitlin Restelli

A Kent State student has been invited to participate in President Obama’s “Winning the Future Forum on Small Business” Tuesday in Cleveland at the Wolstein Center.

Justin Pierce, Undergraduate Student Government executive director, received a call from the White House last Thursday. Pierce said he had no clue he was even being considered for the invitation.

“Within a few moments I was getting a background check,” said Pierce, senior finance major. “I waited a day or so for the confirmation that I was certainly going to be involved.”

According to a White House press release, President Obama and members of his economic team will hear ideas from business owners and leaders on how America can grow its economy, put Americans back to work and win the future.

Once Pierce received the definite “yes,” he said shock overwhelmed him and excitement followed shortly after.

President Lester Lefton also received a White House invitation and will be representing Kent State at the forum.

“(My involvement) will consist of learning about President Obama’s priorities on youth issues and his economic plan, and then we are going to be asked to give our feedback,” Pierce said.

He said there would be a diverse group of student leaders from universities on a panel to discuss youth issues.

“I’m quite honored. A thousand things race through my mind about what I’m going to say when I shake his hand,” Pierce said. “I’m going to just try to provide some value to the conversations.”

Contact Caitlin Restelli at [email protected].