
Bethany Vietmeier

Starting January 1, 2010, employees making minimum wage in Ohio will notice a slight increase in their paychecks. The state Department of Commerce announced the states minimum wage will increase from $7.30 to $7.40.

However, at Kent State, all of the 1,324 student employees will get a bit of a bonus in 2011 regardless if they are making minimum wage or a little bit more.

“We have three pay levels: an entry, an intermediate and a highly specialized level. Depending on the job responsibilities, a student could fall under one of those three,” Career Services Assistant Director Amy Hollis said. “With the announcement of the minimum wage increasing by ten cents, that affects all pay levels. Each pay level will increase ten cents.”

Although ten cents many not be large pay increase, Kent student employees are saying it will be beneficial.

“Even though it’s ten cents, it adds up, just like a penny does. So it’s good,” Kent State Student Employee Kenneth Dabney said.

The last minimum wage increase in Ohio was in 2008 when it rose from $7.00 to $7.30.