Akron woman pleads guilty in connection with death of KSU student

Jenna Staul

A woman charged in connection to the death of a 28-year-old Kent State graduate student pleaded guilty to charges of assault and falsification last week.

Hallie Nuspl, 21, of Akron is charged with both assaulting John T. White, a graduate student and Iraq War veteran, during a downtown altercation and obstructing the investigation into his death.

Nuspl pleaded to two counts of assault and one count of falsification before Common Pleas Judge John Enlow Monday, July 12. The charges carry a maximum penalty of six to 12 months in prison. She remains free on bond.

White died Feb. 21 at Akron City Hospital of severe head injuries after a confrontation near the intersection of S. Water and Main streets Jan. 23.

John H. Ragin Jr., 21, of Akron, has been charged with felonious assault, a second-degree felony, in connection to White’s death. His pre-trial is scheduled to begin later this week.

-Jenna Staul

Editor’s note: In an earlier version of this story, the date of John White’s death was incorrect.