Daily Kent Stater’s Hump Day Cheers and Jeers
October 13, 2009
&bull Graduate student Dametraus Jaggers, who is trying to create a program aimed at helping minority males succeed at Kent State. It’s great to see a student reaching out to the university in such a proactive way.
&bull The Food and Drug Administration for banning flavored cigarettes, which were a sneaky way to lure young people into smoking on behalf of the tobacco companies.
&bull President Barack Obama for winning the Nobel Peace Prize. We hope it inspires him to continue reaching out across the globe.
&bull The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire for possible plans to take down four trees on its campus that honor the Kent State May 4, 1970 victims. If they go through with it, we hope they find a new site for the memorial.
&bull The Kent State football team for losing the Homecoming game against Bowling Green by one point. We could almost taste victory.
&bull The T-Mobile server failure that resulted in the loss of personal data such as contacts on Sidekick cell phones.