Lent begins a season of sacrifice
March 2, 2009
Christian students suspend their sweet tooths for 40 days
VIEW a photo gallery about what students gave up for Lent.
Lent, the 40 days of prayer and fasting leading up to Easter, is the time each year when Christian students give up everything from pop to chocolate and junk food.
“We’re going to be a support system for one another,” freshman nursing major Jenny Dzigiel said.
Dzigiel and freshman nutrition major Lauren Hlavach are giving up Chipotle and pop.
Ash Wednesday was last Wednesday and marked the start of Lent. The ashes that are received that day are a reminder of sins, and many Catholics leave the ashes on their foreheads all day.
The ashes, which are made from palm branches from the previous year, are blessed and mixed with holy water.
Students may not fast from meat, but many students give up something that is important in their day-to-day life.
“I’m giving up pop and blueberry muffins from Jazzman’s at work,” said Justin Smith, sophomore air traffic control major and manager at Eastway’s Jazzman’s.
Sundays are not counted in the 40 days of Lent because each Sunday represents a celebration of Jesus’ victory over death.
During this time Catholics are supposed to abstain from meat on Fridays. During biblical times, fasting was more extreme, and fish, meat, eggs and milk products were forbidden.
Lent is also a time for stripping life down to the essentials and focusing on a relationship with God.
The Rev. Chris Luoni of the Newman Center decided to give up handheld computer games and television.
Mark Bartholet, the pastoral associate for campus ministry for the Newman Center, is giving up meat and fish, and Elena Brown, the administrative assistant at the Newman Center, is giving up sour cherries.
Monique McCreary, senior early childhood education major, is giving up all junk food.
Freshman marketing major Annette Drapp and Megan Saxton, freshman sports administration major, are both giving up pop. Their friend, freshman exploratory major Rachel Prong, is giving up Reese’s Cups.
“I’m giving up sweets,” said Tim Long, sophomore business advertising major.
Paul Potesta, freshman business marketing major, and Jackson McGreevy, freshman flight technology major, are both giving up pop, as well.
Freshman exploratory major Cassie Norrid is giving up chocolate for Lent.
Another day on which Catholics fast during Lent is Good Friday. Good Friday takes place on the Friday before Easter and is to remember Jesus’ death on the cross.
Good Friday this year is on Friday, April 10, and Easter is Sunday, April 12.
All dining halls on campus will be serving fish on Fridays and A&W in the Hub will be serving fish all week.
Contact religion reporter Stephanie Mathias at [email protected].