KSU service organization no longer active on campus

Rachel Polchek

Silver Wings cite time as an issue for group

Kent State’s chapter of Silver Wings, a national service organization, won’t lend its services to the community this semester because members just don’t have time.

“It’s definitely a great organization,” said ROTC member Phillip Wuebold, a sophomore pre-dentistry major. “I hope they can bring it back.”

Silver Wings met once a week last semester. The meetings weren’t overly time consuming for the organization’s members, but the activities were, said former Silver Wings President Angela Kavadas.

As of now, Silver Wings has no definite plans of becoming active at Kent State again.

“I’m more than willing to be an adviser to anybody who wants to restart it,” said Kavadas, Silver Wings president of two years.

Each year Silver Wings’ members choose a local family in need to help during the holiday season. They do so by collecting gifts, food and donations for the family. Its members personally deliver the collected items shortly before the holidays.

Silver Wings’ members attend two main events a year – a national and area conclave.

The national conclave allows chapters across the country to meet and discuss improvements that can be made to the organization. It’s typically a five-day event that ends with an awards ceremony.

Generals from across the world attend the national conclave, Kavadas said.

Kent State’s chapter of Silver Wings won a national award last year for its annual adopt-a-family project.

Silver Wings’ members can also receive scholarships at the national conclave.

Area conclave conventions allow each of the six regions to meet with one another and discuss possible changes and ways to make Silver Wings better. Kent State’s chapter of Silver Wings is the only collegiate organization that makes all of its own policies and procedures.

“We pride ourselves on this,” Kavadas said.

Kent State’s chapter is located in region six, along with other chapters in Ohio and those in Indiana, Kentucky and Michigan. Region six is the largest region according to Silver Wings’ national newsletter.

A Silver Wings membership takes six to eight weeks to obtain. Potential members must attend a class in which they learn the policies and procedures. Then they must pass a national test to be admitted.

Military involvement is not necessary to be involved in Silver Wings. It’s a civilian and military organization and must keep a 51:49 military ratio in order to continue its existence.

This means 51 percent of Silver Wings’ members must be a part of the military, and 49 percent must be civilians, which played a small part of the reason it won’t be active. This semester, more civilian members had the time to participate than military members

Kavadas admits she’s disappointed that Kent State’s chapter of Silver Wings is no longer active.

“It’s a fun, rewarding organization,” Kavadas said. “If you believe in it, and its something you understand, it’s like a family.”

Contact ROTC and alumni affairs reporter Rachel Polchek

at [email protected].