Assault case from October makes progress

Katie Alberti

Dana Lim’s partying ended early after he was run over by a tow truck on Halloween. Near the end of March, his aggressor confessed to pushing him into the vehicle.

Little aftermath

Since Nov. 17, 2006, when Delta Upsilon member Nicholas Zajac was arrested, he has been in and out of the Portage County courts. Finally, on March 23, he pleaded guilty to felonious assault – a second degree felony when one person knowingly causes serious injury to another.

According to court records, his charge was lowered to aggravated assault, a fourth degree felony. The sentence carries a penalty of six to 18 months in prison and a $5,000 fine.

R. P. Flynn, director of Judicial Affairs, said his department has not received any information about the case. He said that on occasion Judicial Affairs will take action against students who are arrested.

Matt Getz, associate director of fraternity services for Delta Upsilon Fraternity International, said the fraternity hasn’t been updated on the case since October. He said it’s impossible to say what actions the fraternity will take on the Kent State chapter until DU finds out everything that occurred.

“Depending on the situation and severity, lots of different things can happen,” he said. “In my time here, we haven’t had anything like this come up. I really can’t speak to what some of those actions (against Kent State’s DU chapter) will be.”

DU member Ross Miltner, executive director for the Undergraduate Student Senate, said the chapter will not be taking any action against Zajac.

“He hasn’t been attending classes this semester, so he’s not an active member,” he said. “It’s not as if that’s a punishment – there’s nothing that will be done by the fraternity.”


Bad situations can either make a person bitter or better – in Dana Lim’s case, he’s better.

That’s how Lim’s pastor, Mike Bucher, described him five months after being run over.

Lim, 25, of Parma, was outside of the DU house at 202 S. Lincoln St., when Zajac pushed him in front of a tow truck. The Daily Kent Stater reported that because of the vehicle’s weight – which was carrying a pick-up truck at the time – Lim’s upper leg bones were completely separated from his hip bone, and a hole was torn in his right leg that was too large to stitch closed, among other injuries.

Now, Bucher said, Lim is doing all right.

“He’s way thinner and moves a lot slower, but I think he’s done good,” he said. “I think before this thing happened, he was making some bad decisions, but I think it was a wake-up call. You realize you’re about to die, the Lord keeps you alive, so you change your perspective a little bit.”

Although he says Lim doesn’t remember all of the details of the accident, he does believe Zajac pushed him intentionally in front of the tow truck.

“He thinks he did it on purpose,” Bucher said. “But he is a Christian, and I think he’s not bitter against the person.”

Contact public affairs reporter Katie Alberti at [email protected].