Body artist tries her hand at henna

Kiera Manion-Fischer

FlashFest was Kent resident Eryka Geiszler’s first public appearance as a henna artist.

Kaitlin Messer, sophomore fashion merchandising major, had an elaborate peacock drawn on her leg.

Geiszler carefully squeezed the brown henna paste onto Messer’s skin and embellished the pattern with flourishes and rhinestones.

“I really like it,” Messer said while the design was applied.

Geiszler said the paste would flake off and leave a brown stain that should last two to three weeks.

She said she became interested in henna body art at age 15 when she met an artist offering henna tattoos at Brady’s Cafe in Kent, which is now Starbucks. Her parents gave her a kit and she continued practicing by drawing as much as possible.

“It’s a good way to try out and see if you want a real tattoo,” she said of henna designs.

— Kiera Manion-Fischer