Commuter Coffee Hour brewing in the New Year

Christina Tesar

The Commuter and Off-Campus Student Organization will hold the first of a series of Commuter Coffee Hours tomorrow.

The event will be held from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Music Listening Center on the second floor of the Student Center.

“If there is one reason to come it’s for the free donuts,” said Steve Shoff, COSO’s communications and finance director.

Free coffee, cookies and donuts will be available to anyone wishing to attend, said Kevin Hallsky, COSO’s director.

“It’s opened to all students,” he said. “It’s mainly for commuters but we don’t exclude anyone.”

Hallsky said the event, which began in the spring of 2005, was designed for Kent State commuters and those living off-campus to meet others around campus and to get introduced to the services COSO has to offer.

“If you’re a commuter, it’s a great place to get involved,” Hallsky said.

Sign-up sheets will be available for anyone wishing to register for COSO’s mailing list to receive notice of events and meetings. Students will also have the opportunity to sign up for participation with COSO in Relay for Life and to sign a petition for a new commuter lounge.

“A commuter lounge is something we are definitely considering,” said Melissa Vogel, a Kent State commuter and a member of COSO. “We are trying to look for activities and places for commuters to go to feel welcome throughout the day.”

Last semester, 92 people attended the event, and a similar turnout is expected this semester.

COSO’s members are committed to informing Kent State commuters about available opportunities and providing assistance to anyone living or thinking of living off Kent State’s campus, Shoff said.

“We are happy to help students out with everything,” he said. “If anything, you can contact COSO and we will redirect you to the services you need.”

Future coffee hour dates are scheduled for Feb. 28, March 15, April 11 and April 26.

“We have a lot of great services,” said Jacki Campbell, COSO’s commuter concerns manager. “Everything we do is free. We pride ourselves in that.”

Vogel said he urges anyone with further questions or concerns about commuter coffee hour or COSO to contact any of COSO’s members at or to stop by its office in 120G of the Student Center.

“Feel free to stop in,” Vogel said. “But everything is right outside our office doors so you don’t even have to talk to us if you don’t feel comfortable.”

Contact transportation and commuting reporter Christina Tesar at [email protected].