Officials advise motorists to stay off roads

Rachel Abbey

Due to the icy conditions, individuals should stay off the roads unless driving is unavoidable.

If that is the case, Kent Police Capt. Michelle Lee said students should drive slow and double the distance in between vehicles. To increase visibility in the snow, drivers should keep their lights on at all times.

Accidents are more likely in inclement weather, Lee said.

To get out of a skid, Lee said drivers should:

• Pump, not slam, brakes. Drivers with anti-lock brakes should brake like normal.

• Keep hands loosely on the wheel, and not try to over-correct the slide.

If the car still goes off the road, individuals should stay with their vehicle, turn on their hazard lights and call the Ohio Highway Patrol at 1-877-7-PATROL, said Lt. Mike Marucci, Ravenna post commander.

Drivers can prepare for winter accidents by keeping road flares, reflectors, signs, first aid kits, bottled water and blankets in their vehicles, Marucci said.

Contact public affairs reporter Rachel Abbey at [email protected].