University holding flu shot clinic today

Kira Meixner

This week, Kent State is offering a convenient way for students to prepare for flu season.

Flu vaccination clinics are available today and tomorrow to Kent State students, faculty, staff and dependents on the lower level of the DeWeese Health Center. The flu clinics, sponsored by University Health Services and the OneWellU program, will be offered from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. both days.

Assistant Nurse Manager Shelly Verba said students should get flu shots at this time of year.

“Because flu season usually peaks in February, students need to get it early to build their immunity up,” Verba said.

Verba said the vaccination costs $20, and students can pay by cash, check, FlashCash or credit card. University employees who are enrolled in a university-sponsored health plan through Medical Mutual or Anthem can bring their identification cards and receive the immunization for free.

Registration is closed for today’s clinic, but students and employees can register for Wednesday’s clinic at

University Health Services is looking into holding another flu shot clinic in early December, Verba said.

Contact health and medical reporter Kira Meixner at [email protected].