Strickland makes stop in Kent Saturday

Kali Price

Gubernatorial candidate Ted Strickland speaks at a rally at the American Legion in Kent with other democrats running for political office. AMANDA SOWARDS | DAILY KENT STATER

Credit: Jason Hall

Ohioans have “been wandering around in the wilderness for quite some time now,” said Ted Strickland, Ohio Democratic gubernatorial candidate.

Strickland visited Kent Saturday evening for a rally at the American Legion Hall on Mogadore Road. About 200 supporters gathered to see Strickland just days before the midterm election tomorrow.

“Just a few more hours,” Strickland said as he was met with a standing ovation.

Strickland was joined by several other state and local representatives and candidates, such as Portage County Commissioner Chuck Keiper; Rep. Kathleen Chandler; Steve Dyer, Democratic candidate for representative of the 43rd district; Rep. Tim Ryan; Rich Cordray, Democratic candidate for Ohio treasurer; Marc Dann, Democratic candidate for Ohio attorney general; Michelle Bogo, Democratic candidate for Portage County auditor and Rep. Tom Sawyer.

“The people of Ohio are going to put Ted Strickland in the governor’s office,” Ryan said before Strickland took to the stage.

Strickland spoke for about 15 minutes, prompting roaring applause and laughter at times. He spoke about the other Democratic candidates on stage, as well as other candidates in important races.

“Sherrod Brown (Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate) is fighting a courageous fight,” Strickland said.

But instead of addressing his stance on several of the issues, Strickland spoke about the integrity of the Democratic ticket’s opponents, the problems Ohio faces and the changes in the minds of Ohio voters.

“Everywhere I’ve gone in this state, wherever I go, there are Republicans that have come up to me and said ‘I’m voting for you,'” he said.

Strickland also discussed the Democratic candidate’s opponents and their campaigns.

“The problems facing this state are so serious,” he said. “We lost 103 soldiers last month in Iraq . (Mike DeWine) wants to talk about an accusation that never went to trial that happened 20 years ago . I don’t even want to get started on my opponent.”

Strickland closed his speech calling for change and quoting Georgia Rep. John Lewis.

“‘Never give up,” he shouted into the microphone. “Never give out. Never give in. Victory will be ours in 72 hours.”

Contact student politics reporter Kali Price at [email protected].