Test preparation methods are drastically different from student to student at KSU

Nedda Pourahmady

Instead of staring at a book for countless hours to prepare for an exam, Latasha Edwards studies key points in her notes regularly.

Edwards, sophomore community health education major, said she likes to read over her notes and re-write them at least twice.

“I keep looking over the material before a test to try and get an understanding of it,” Edwards said. “I look at the notes for about an hour each day.”

Alex Anderson, senior integrated language arts major, said he goes over all his notes from his teacher first and refers back to his book for any questions.

“I study in small pieces because you can only retain so much information,” Anderson said. “I start closer to test time so it’s fresh in my memory.”

Wesley Berg, sophomore flight technology major, said he also looks through his notes as well as skimming through each assigned chapter.

“I study a little bit at a time over a long period,” Berg said. “If you do it all at once, you’ll never remember anything.”

Aaron Korora, a graduate assistant at the Academic Success Center, said there are a number of different tutoring services available to students on campus, including math, writing, LER study groups and computer instruction.

Edwards said the Writing Center in Satterfield Hall was helpful in giving her good ideas for a paper.

“Sometimes when I get my paper back, the Writing Center helps me with corrections I need to make,” Edwards said. “They give you good input on what to do.”

Anderson said he also used the Writing Center during his first two years of college.

“When you write your own stuff, you can really only see the words on the page,” he said. “Someone else may not understand your meaning. The center can help you get your point across.”

Korora said students who use these resources often come back.

“Every year when we pass out evaluation forms, everyone gives us high ratings,” he said. “Students seem to enjoy the program.”

In order to study effectively, Korora said students need to get into a routine.

“Once studying is something that’s a part of your life, and you do it everyday, it doesn’t require as much effort,” he said.

Instead of cramming everything in at the last minute, Berg said he makes sure to show up to all his classes, take good notes and study in advance.

“Get into the habit of studying a little bit every day,” Berg said. “Take a few minutes aside from each day just to look over what you did in class.”

Anderson advised students not to rely so much on just their books.

“Always take your teacher’s material over the book they provide for the course,” he said. “That should just be used as a reference.”

Taking good notes and having time management skills are keys for studying well, Edwards said.

“If you don’t understand something, go to tutoring or talk to a professor about it,” she said. “Look for things to help you remember the information.”

Edwards also suggested that students form study groups.

Korora said study groups are available for various subjects, and students can sign up in Room 207 in the Michael Schwartz Center.

In addition to study groups, Korora said effective studying is a continuous effort.

“It’s a gradual process from the first day of class up until your exam,” Korora said. “Studying requires keeping with it and staying on top of things.”

Nevertheless, he said students should not let themselves get stressed out.

“Try not to be overwhelmed, and just keep with it,” he said. “Take small steps, and break studying up into manageable, sensible chunks.”

Contact student life reporter Nedda Pourahmady at [email protected].