Tuition increase set for fall

Aman Ali

Although the amount has not been formalized, Kent State will increase its tuition this fall.

“I can’t imagine there won’t be an increase,” said David Creamer, vice president for administration.

Creamer presented the information to the Student Quality Advisory Committee during its regular meeting yesterday. He said the university’s budget committee will determine how much the actual increase will be.

But for planning purposes, Creamer said the university is molding its budget around a 6 percent increase model. The tuition increase would change undergraduate in-state tuition to $8,431 and out-of-state tuition to $16,309.

Creamer told the SQAC the need for next year’s tuition increase stemmed from state support for higher education.

“When you attend a public university, there are two portions that pay for your tuition,” Creamer said. “One is the portion the students contribute and the other is the portion the state contributes. Unfortunately, the portion the state contributes has continued to decline.”

According to Creamer, the state of Ohio will give Kent State $84 and 85 million in State Share of Instruction money next year. The university received roughly that same amount of SSI money in 1997, despite enrollment increases of around 16 to 17 percent since that time. The SSI figures are not adjusted for inflation.

In comparison to other schools in the state, Creamer said Kent State has been doing a good job keeping tuition rates down. This year, Kent State was the third largest school in Ohio in terms of enrollment but had the seventh most expensive tuition.

Greg Jarvie, dean of students, said the university was taking all possible measures to keep tuition increases under control.

“One of the most disturbing categories I hear students complain about is financial problems,” Jarvie said. “I think Dr. Creamer is doing everything he can to contain these financial costs. But the situation at the state and federal level is out of control.”

When it comes to tuition, SQAC Vice Chair Paul Marnecheck said the university has been receptive to students’ concerns.

“Vice President Creamer has been coming to our (SQAC) meetings for four years, and he’s always been the bearer of bad news,” Marnecheck said. “But every time he comes here, he takes on all of our questions accordingly.”

Creamer said he will determine the actual tuition increase later this spring and present the information to other student groups including the Undergraduate Student Senate. The Board of Trustees will make the final decision at their meeting on May 24.

Contact student affairs reporter Aman Ali at [email protected].