Innovative Learning Conference to discuss Podcasting, online courses Friday
March 16, 2006
140 people are registered for the Innovative Learning Conference tomorrow in Moulton Hall. The conference, which is free and open to the public, still has openings available for many sessions.
“Some sessions are closed because they have reached capacity,” said administrative secretary Kathleen Banas. “We started planning four months ago to get the variety of speakers and presenters we have.”
The conference features keynote speaker Julie Little, executive director of educational technology and the Innovative Technology Center and the interim assistant CIO at the University of Tennessee. She will discuss faculty and innovative technology.
The conference will address topics ranging from Podcasting to wireless student response systems to starting online courses.
Highlights of the conference include a drawing for a 20-gigabyte iPod sponsored by Apple and a drawing for a DVD player sponsored by Echo Imaging. Polycom PVX will have a drawing for a webcam provided by Wide Area Media for session participants.
Polycom will be sponsoring a complimentary breakfast, and Information Services will be providing lunch in the Moulton Hall Ballroom, Banas said.
Banas will be passing out movie tickets throughout the day to 10 registered participants.
Registration is available online at
Contact academic computing beat reporter Megan Whinnery at [email protected].