Open mic night tonight

Ally Melling

Some Kent State students struggle through days filled from morning to night with classes, homework and, sometimes, multiple jobs. With these schedule demands, time often has to be cut from more leisurely activities such as writing, playing an instrument or even just hanging with friends.

Tonight, Kent Student Center Programming offers students the opportunity to take time out of their schedules and share their talent.

The first “Open Mic Night” of the semester will run from 9 to 11:30 p.m. in the Music Listening Center, located on the second floor of the Student Center.

“‘Open Mic Night’ is intended mainly for music but can really be for anything,” senior English major and event coordinator Mahlon Rhodes said. “If you play the guitar or sing, or if you’d like to read your poetry or short stories, this is for you. It’s a night for you to show your talent to someone else, whatever it may be.”

Rhodes said he recalled many students in the past participating with acts ranging from animated poetry reading to free-style rapping.

Sign-up sheets will be offered during the event and no pre-registration or fee is required.

Rhodes said students can read or perform one to three works each time, but he encourages students to sign up multiple times.

“If we have a good turnout and everything goes well, we could make ‘Open Mic Night’ a regular event on campus,” Rhodes said. “If no one shows, it’ll just be me up there playing music.”

Contact on-campus entertainment reporter Ally Melling at [email protected].