Students prepare to renew room contracts

Bethy DeLong

What classes to take, what major to choose, what to do tonight – college is all about choices.

Today begins the process for one more.

The Contract Renewal for room and board, which started Jan. 19 and continues through May 12, starts for juniors and sophomores this week. Contract Renewal is a process for students currently living on campus to secure a room for next year. It also allows students to choose which meal plan they would like.

And they fill up fast.

Centennial Court C, Twin Towers and Engleman are some of the most popular residence halls on campus, said T.J. Logan, assistant director of Residence Services.

Students are required to fill out a renewal until they are 21, have 60 credits at the beginning of fall semester or have completed two years of living on campus.

Undergraduates interested in staying in the same room had the first preference to secure it. The rest of the time it is based on class standing. A student may also request a roommate when signing up for a room.

Students log on to their FlashLine and choose a room as soon as their time becomes available.

“The advantage of doing the Contract Renewal online is that the power of assignment is in the student’s hands. You get to see what is available right away, and you can choose your own roommate,” he said. “Being on the Internet makes it easier to make changes.”

Kent State is one of the few schools in the nation that has the technology for students to control their own room assignment, he said.

“I like how the Contract Renewal is online because it makes it faster, easier and more convenient for students,” said Breanna Alleman, freshman early childhood education major.

A booklet is passed out to students to help make the decision of where to live. Each residence hall has different criteria to help the students choose which living environment fits best to their needs.

Residence halls have different options, such as quiet hours or air-conditioning. The choice is up to the students as to what is the best living situation.

Students who miss Contract Renewal will still have the opportunity to reapply. These students must still pay all application fees. Students who do not plan to return to housing may have to submit supporting documentation if they are still required to live on campus, Logan said.

For more information about the Contract Renewal visit:

Residence Services can be found in Korb Hall. They are willing to help all students to make this process as efficient as possible.

“If students have any issues they want to know, we want feedback,” Logan said.

Contact Room and Board reporter Bethy DeLong at [email protected].