Tips for staying safe during Kent’s Halloween this weekend

A large group of students wait outside of Ray’s Place on Oct. 31, 2020. Ray’s Place was busy as they try to help guests but also stay safe amid the pandemic. 

Liam Morrison Reporter

Last year, Halloween in Kent was not like its usual night full of excitement and crowds. Many people who are not residents of Kent usually travel to Kent for Halloween, but due to COVID-19, this was not the case. 


This Halloween in Kent, which is Saturday Oct. 30, the city is moving forward with how it normally functions. With COVID-19 still being a prevalent problem, the university wants its students to remember to stay safe during the holiday.


Tricia Knoles, Kent State Police community resource officer, holds presentations in the freshman experience classes about staying safe during Halloween


“We are fully staffed with extra patrol and joint jurisdictions with the Kent Police,” Knoles said. 


Knoles urges people to stay in groups of three or more if they’re planning on going out. She said to go outside and enjoy Halloween but try and get inside by 10 p.m.


“You typically do not want to have a party on this night because we typically have people come from out of town to Kent to cause trouble,” Knoles said. 


In the past, Knoles said they have dealt with assaults and robberies on Halloween. On one occasion, they caught somebody who was from a different city but was in Kent robbing people.


Like any other night of going out with friends, do not leave your drink unattended. Knoles also urges people to not have their heads buried in their phones while walking to wherever they’re headed on this night. 


While COVID is still going on, the university stresses that students also practice the Flashes Safe Eight principles this Halloween. 


Charlie Thomas, the owner of Ray’s Place, is also making preparations for this weekend. 


“I think this year is going to be pretty good,” Thomas said. “Last year, we had COVID precautions and limited capacities in all places.”


Ray’s Place beefs up their staff for Halloween and Thomas said they will be checking IDs even more carefully than they usually do. 


He is happy that Halloween is moving forward as usual and not being held back by the precautions of COVID. 


“Everybody is trying to get their life back to normal, and sometimes [Halloween is] more outside than inside,” he said. 


Thomas said that Ray’s Place will be open on Saturday for Kent’s Halloween and his staff will be ready to try and take care of everyone.

Liam Morrison is a reporter. Contact him at [email protected].