The Fashion School celebrates Black History Month

Nia Allen

Hailey Phillips Reporter

The first Black History Month celebration for the Shannon Rodgers and Jerry Silverman School of Fashion Design and Merchandising created an opportunity for students to learn and honor the history of the black community in fashion.

The goal of the event was to celebrate minorities, specifically in the Fashion School. Nia Allen, fashion industry studies graduate student, coordinated the event in hopes that events for minorities within the school would be held more frequently.

“We noticed that there weren’t a lot of events for minorities within the school itself,” Allen said.

Students of the Fashion School, including Allen, are trying to have a monthly event catering toward minorities in the school. Allen said they want everyone to feel more inclusive.

A screening of “Versailles ’73: American Runway Revolution”, directed by Deborah Riley Draper, was played during the Black History Month event. The movie connects the culture of the black community to the fashion industry by following an iconic fashion show known as “The Battle of Versailles Fashion Show.”

“In the ’70s, we didn’t necessarily have a voice in the fashion industry, but this movie shows a different side of us in the fashion industry and how we did start a revolution,” Allen said.

Draper was a guest speaker at the event. She shared the history of the film-making process and why she was inspired to create the movie. Draper said it is important to understand history and by understanding history, you will understand your potential.

Hailey Phillips is a fashion reporter. Contact her at [email protected].