Trumbull begins search for new dean

The search for a new Trumbull regional campus Dean and Chief Administrative Officer has initiated.

A search committee has been formed to command the search. Denise Seachrist, Dean of Kent State University at Stark, chairs the committee. 

 “It is really important for the campus. Any time there is a change of leadership, it’s always important to see what the visions going to be,” Seachrist said. 

The job was posted Jan. 22 and applications will be reviewed in February. The upcoming dean must provide overall direction and leadership for the Trumbull regional campus. The appointment will begin July 1, 2020. 

The new dean must be taught leadership and understand the importance of launching the regional campus forward into the community within the next decade. According to Seachrist, the applicant must understand the role and responsibilities of the faculty and staff at the campus as well as student success.

The position’s posting and full explanation can be found at

Contact Emily Williams at [email protected]