FAB self care night embraces importance of self love

Annemarie Karabinus

FAB Self-Care event attendees could take affirmations posted on a board for themselves on Feb. 28, 2023.

Molly Hoffer, Reporter

College is a time for figuring out who you are, and who you want to be. For most students this experience can be very stressful.

For Olivia Montgomery, FAB’s self care night gave her an opportunity to relieve some of her built-up stress from school through painting.

“I’ve honestly been really stressed out with classes and then my friend asked me if I wanted to come,” she said. “I love painting, so I thought this would be a good stress reliever; it has been so far.”

Montgomery, who is a freshman journalism major, elaborated on how she has loved painting her whole life.

“It’s something that you can do to take your mind off of what’s bothering you,” she said. “You can put your energy into something else.”

Sydney Shoaf, the director of FAB’s Tuesday night events, said after organizing a self care night last semester, she wanted to recreate that same atmosphere where people could express self kindness and self love.

“I know it’s midterm season right now,” she said. “So, I wanted to take away some of that stress from students. It’s all about self love and being patient with yourself, as well as being a distraction from outside stressors.”

Abby Wilsbacher at FABs Self Care Night Feb. 28, 2023 (Annemarie Karabinus)

Socializing among other students can also be a good stress reliever.

Abby Wilsbacher, a freshman early childhood education major, said it’s nice to be able to relieve stress and socialize with other students.

“I like the more artistic events,” she said. “I like the ones where you get to do activities while socializing, instead of just coming to grab food and chat.”

For Jayda Palm, a senior sign language major, the self care night presented her with the opportunity to step away from her stressors as a student teacher.

“My professor is a huge advocate for self care and ended class early to let us come,” she said. “I think that finding different outlets is important and I like that FAB has different ways for us to do that.”

Shoaf said sometimes she isn’t fair with herself and can be guilty of not showing herself enough compassion similarly to other college students.

“I think that this event serves as a reminder that you are the most important thing in your life,” she said. “And if you don’t take care of yourself, everything else will follow. Self love and self care are such important steps to getting yourself back on track.”

Molly Hoffer is a reporter. Contact her at [email protected].