From BBQ to fried chicken: local restaurant undergoing big menu changes

Chania Crawford, Reporter

Local restaurant owner Neil Dukes has big plans for the future of his restaurant, formerly known as Pit Stop Pub. Tentatively, on March 22, Dukes will be reopening his restaurant under a new name and menu. The renovated restaurant, Flashes Fried Chicken, will serve solely fried chicken with a variety of sides.

“The barbecue and sandwiches weren’t to the quality I wanted,” Dukes said. “They were good, but they just weren’t signature, and I really wanted something that I could stand behind and know I’m going to have my signature flavor and taste on.”

Dukes hopes with the restaurant change, he can create a signature taste that will differentiate him from other places that sell fried chicken.

“Part of the inspiration was that I wanted it to be done in a flash,” Dukes said. “I want you to be able to come pick it up and go, but I also want you to sit down and enjoy the ambiance and atmosphere of being in here.”

Dukes doesn’t plan on making significant changes to how the restaurant is already set up. He plans to use the same color scheme and layout.

“The biggest thing behind it is to be able to adapt to change. It’s what this industry is all about; it’s about giving the customer what they want,” Dukes said. “I know that with some research I’ve done with other fried chicken restaurants, people buy fried chicken. I know that is something people buy, and families can sit down and enjoy the chicken together.”

With the menu change, Dukes hopes people will enjoy having a fried chicken shop where they can sit down, play games and enjoy some karaoke.

“I just really want it to be something that people will be proud of,” Dukes said. “I want the community to see no matter what, keep fighting.”

Chania Crawford is a reporter. Contact her at [email protected]