Shay Little’s employment to terminate in March 2020

Former Vice President of Student Affairs Shay Little informed the university she intended to leave her position effective Sept. 15, according to an amendment to her employment agreement.  

Little, who is now a special assistant to President Todd Diacon, will quit working for the university on March 31, 2020, according to the amendment, which was signed on Sept. 13. 

Diacon sent an email to the Kent State community on Sept. 16 that announced Little would move into the new advisory role and that Lamar Hylton, the dean of students, would become interim vice president of student affairs. 

Little directed KentWired’s request for comment to university communications. University communications directed KentWired to the email sent by Diacon on Sept. 16. Little no longer appears on the president’s cabinet organizational chart on Kent State’s website

Diacon will assign projects to Little, with an understanding that most of her work may be completed offsite, according to the amendment. In an interview Oct. 15, he said she is no longer using her office in the library because Hylton is using it. 

According to the amendment, Little’s salary in the position will remain $210,160.80—public records obtained by KentWired show this is the same amount she made as vice president of student affairs in 2018. 

Diacon said Little agreed to continue assisting the university with “a variety of issues ranging from meal plans to promoting and defending freedom of speech.” 

“She agreed to do that in this interim period,” Diacon said. “I think that’s the best way to characterize that. We really appreciate Shay’s experience and expertise, and I look forward to working with her on a variety of things as she advises this office.”

She will also continue to receive health benefits, but she is not eligible for a salary increase or the $650 per month vehicle stipend she previously received. The terms of the employment agreement and the amendment “shall immediately terminate upon commencement of other employment,” according to the document. 

Little joined Kent State in 2012 as associate vice president and dean of students. In 2015, she became vice president of student affairs. 

Contact Paige Bennett at [email protected]