University employs 8,000 students, offers multiple opportunities

Celetre Jones

Career Exploration and Development recruits Kent students to fill 8,000 on-campus jobs at the beginning of each school year.

Kent students are in need of employment, the Career Exploration and Development (CED) strives to help make that happen. The CED early engagement with incoming students is through Kent’s summer orientation program, Destination Kent State. This opportunity helps the CED connect with students directly, while families are involved. 

Executive Director of Career Exploration and Development Kristin Williams affirmed the need for students to work on campus.

“Students know that they need experience to get their next internship or co-op,” Williams said. “On-campus employment provides a great convenient way to do that.”

Experience, time-management skills and expenses are some of the variety of needs Williams believes students have when looking for on-campus employment.

Almost all positions exclusively pay hourly. Pay wage is determined by Kent’s three pay ranges: entry level ($8.55-$11.55); intermediate level ($8.95- $12.95); highly specialized level ($9.55-14.55).

According to Williams, recreation services and the university library offers more positions annually as compared to other departments. 

“Each of those departments hires hundreds of students each year, whereas other departments may have only one or 2 openings,” Williams said. 

Kristin Williams suggested students be open to different positions when seeking employment.

“I really think all the jobs on campus are valuable and they are building a great skill set no matter where you work,” Williams said. “I’d encourage you despite what looks popular and has the most positions, connect with any of them.”

Senior public relations major Olivia Boris is currently a public relations intern with on-campus job, Flash Communications. Her current role in this position includes helping produce content for Kent State Today as well as contribute to the social media pages.

Boris expressed her love for the job.

“It has allowed me to excel professionally and personally. It was a great stepping stone before obtaining a full-time internship,” Boris said. “It allowed me to advance my writing skills and ability to think strategically, while networking and making professional connections at the university. “

She encourages others to get involved with on-campus opportunities that deal with their field of study.

Tessa George, a junior nursing major, currently works at the Information Desk  located in Kent Student Center. She directs Kent students to proper contacts when looking for help.

George shared benefits to on-campus jobs as she took an online exam.

“They have to be understanding of your classes they can’t just say ‘oh you have to work this day because you’re an employee here’,” George said. “If you have a test or exam they really are understanding.”

George also enjoys that she is able to do her homework at work as well as find someone to cover shifts easily. 

Some students have never sought out employment until enrolling in college. A dive into working a job can be discouraging.

Senior University Library employee and exercise physiology major Jade Jarrett said Eastway and Tri Towers are good starting jobs for people who have never worked before.

“You’re surrounded by people who are your age which is nice. Even the managers are not very much older than you so it is a pretty good environment for people I’d say,” Jarrett said. “You’re not expected to do a whole lot usually anything difficult.”

Celetre Jones covers jobs and finance. Contact her at [email protected]