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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


John Hess is a senior political science major. Contact him at 

Opinion: Not lovin’ it: McExploitation and the minimum wage

John Hess April 6, 2015

Wal-Mart workers and their families were pleasantly surprised earlier this year when the corporation announced a plan to raise wages to $10 an hour by April of next year. This news was followed by similar...

Carley Hull is a senior news major. Contact her at 

Opinion: HBO’s new online streaming service a murky advertisement

Carley Hull April 6, 2015

It’s hard living in the spoiler age. Yes, it’s first world problem hard, but enough to make a seemingly sane person completely paranoid. Becoming a “Game of Thrones” fan without HBO, and after...

Mike Richards is a senior English major and a columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact him at

Opinion: Creativity: The Sane vs. the Insane

Mike Richards April 6, 2015

When it comes to celebrities, directors, artists, writers, musicians, or basically anyone else who may publicly deliver some sort of creative medium, how do you want them to present themselves? Would you...

Marvin Logan is a senior Pan-African Studies major. Contact him at

Opinion: What is important for students?

Marvin Logan April 2, 2015

What matters to you? That is the question. It comes up often in conversations when dealing with people who interact with or target college students. Sometimes, it seems that what should be important is...

Bruce Walton is the opinions editor. Contact him at

Opinion: A different approach to ignorance can make a world of a difference

Bruce Walton April 1, 2015

I have been writing about race, prejudice and racial insensitivity since I was a columnist in 2012. I have seen the racial climate in Kent State shift back and forth but it seems to have come to a boil...

Zachary Downes is a junior journalism major. Contact him at

Opinion: A few words for Indiana

Zachary Downes April 1, 2015

Discrimination has been in the news recently, starting with the Ferguson incident. It has always been an unspoken problem in our country. Just so everyone knows, discrimination means unjust or prejudicial...

Our View: Offer support for Kent State athletics

KS Editors April 1, 2015

Summary: While NCAA March Madness is one of the most exciting sporting spectacles of the year, ignoring our school’s athletics program isn’t fair.Over the last month, millions of people have watched...

Guest Columnist: Save the elephants

Andrew Rogers April 1, 2015

Save the elephants, please. The illegal ivory trade is responsible for accelerating the slaughter and dismemberment of one of the most awe-inspiring creatures in the natural world, the African and Asian...

Ray Paoletta is a junior political science major. Contact him

Opinion: USG needs to improve transparency and student relations

Ray Paoletta March 31, 2015

Does anyone know what Kent State Undergraduate Student Government does? Do students feel that USG betters their college experience? I did not know the functions of USG either. I researched Kent State’s...

John Hess is a senior political science major. Contact him at

Opinion: Thoughts on Voter Registration

John Hess March 30, 2015

I’ll never forget the fall of 2014. I was interning on several campaigns, doing voter outreach and making plenty of new friends. However, this past election won’t be remembered for our work, or even...

Carley Hull is a senior news major and columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact her at

Opinion: Why the $20 bill should have a new face

Carley Hull March 30, 2015

A new face could be printed on U.S. currency, but it won’t be another president or a man. The nonprofit organization called Women On 20s started a campaign to create a new $20 bill featuring a woman...

Our View: Does a friendly president mean an open university?

March 29, 2015

Summary: We hope Kent State President Beverly Warren will break the university’s tradition of closed administrative searches. In our editorial before break, we made several statements that referred...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2