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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


Letter to the Editor: A Challenge of Acceptance

Daniel Grueber February 22, 2015

I had the pleasure of attending the recent candlelight vigil that was created to show solidarity with the victims of Chapel Hill. After the initial moment of silence, the gathering proceeded into the Student...

John Hess is a senior political science major. Contact him at

OPINION: Against Fedora Politics

John Hess February 22, 2015

Fedoras are not cool. They are not hip, stylish, or even playfully ironic. You look silly in that thing. Take it off. Unless you’re a hard-boiled detective, a gangster from the '40s or remember the Great...

Jennifer Hutchinson is a sophomore political science major. Contact her at

OPINION: Wisconsin governor commits to Right-to-Work legislation

Jennifer Hutchinson February 22, 2015

Wisconsin Governor and potential presidential candidate Scott Walker committed to signing right-to-work legislation on Friday, after Republican leaders advanced the proposal for a Senate vote next week.This...

Letter from the Editor: On covering diversity

Matthew Merchant February 20, 2015

As a fellow student and as a member of a student group on campus, I wanted to clarify some of the details presented in the Our View, “Change the stereotype, change the conversation” published Feb....

OPINION: The question of faith

Alexis Wohler February 19, 2015

All of us have days where we feel guilt, shame or hurt. On those types of days when our emotions run high, we may not be sure where or whom to turn to. The answer could be faith.Have you ever wondered...

Ray Paoletta is a junior political science major. Contact him at

Opinion: Kasich school critics should hold their criticisms

Ray Paoletta February 19, 2015

Many Ohio teachers do not seem to like Governor John Kasich, and their quick jump to criticize the governor’s recent school funding plan is further evidence they will not give the governor a chance.I...

Our View: Change the stereotype, change the discussion

KS Editors February 19, 2015

We believe Kent State students can learn from the terrible event that took place in North Carolina last week. It’s time to talk about changing the way we talk about labels.Three people died last week....

Carley Hull is a senior news major and columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact her at

Opinion: Are we ready for a journey to Mars?

Carley Hull February 18, 2015

As if we don’t have enough to worry about on our own planet, some people are prepping to go to Mars. And by some people, I mean 24 people who will be divided into six crews of four to be sent to Mars...

Marvin Logan is a senior Pan-African Studies major. Contact him at

Opinion: Day of action

Marvin Logan February 18, 2015

Next Wednesday, student leaders from all across the state of Ohio will join forces in Columbus to rally for the support of legislators, and students from Black United Students, Ohio Student Government...

Guest Column: Drug courts reduce crime while saving time, money and resources

Hon. Joy Malek Oldfield February 18, 2015

An estimated 1.2 million drug-addicted people are currently involved in the justice system. “Drug courts” provide effective intervention, save money and significantly reduce drug use and crime through...

Bruce Walton, opinion editor

Mandatory attendance and non-negotiable make-ups make us better liars not students

Bruce Walton February 17, 2015

So let me ask you something: How much money are you paying for this degree? How much tuition or room and board will you have to pay when or if you graduate? For myself, I’ll owe thousands of dollars...

Zachary Downes, a broadcast journalism major

It happens every year

Zachary Downes February 17, 2015

Editor’s Note:In Wednesday’s column by Zachary Downes, he had claimed President Beverly Warren was not responsible for the cancellation of classes and faculty on the Kent State Campus.This was not...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2