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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


Megan Brown is a senior magazine journalism major and the opinion editor for The Kent Stater. Contact her at

Opinion: A temporary goodbye to The Vinyl Underground

Megan Brown September 24, 2014

One of the first places I explored the summer before freshman year at Kent was The Vinyl Underground on Water Street. The past Tuesday the store closed their doors until a new location is found. I traveled...

Our View: Apple decides to no longer sell the iPod Classic, taking a piece of our childhood with it

KS Editors September 24, 2014

With all of the talk about the new iPhone 6/6 Plus, Apple Watch and iOS8, Apple simply forgot to mention that they were no longer making the iPod Classic, the last iPod available with the click-wheel design.The...

Opinion: Letter to the editor

Joan Marold September 24, 2014

I was distressed to read the article in the Monday, Sept. 15 issue of The Kent Stater, “Tenure protects professor’s employment.”  The article used Julio Pino as an example.The episode used by the...

Jennifer Hutchinson is a sophomore political science major and a columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact her at

Opinion: Every vote counts

Jennifer Hutchinson September 24, 2014

As college students, we always have a million and one things on our mind. It’s easy for us to get caught up in our classes, clubs, jobs, and, of course, our daily Netflix intake. However, even with our...

Maggie Wachtel is a sophomore Public Relations major and a columnist for the The Kent Stater. Contact her at

Opinion: The problem with click-bait

Maggie Wachtel September 24, 2014

Poynter and Kent State’s Media Law Center for Ethics and Access hosted its annual Media Ethics Workshop at Kent State last Thursday, with panels focusing on big data, analytics and how they affect news...

Contact Marvin Logan at

Opinion: KSU: The Cultural Salad

Marvin Logan September 23, 2014

Hello. Hola. What’s up? أهلاً بيك. 你好. Bonjour. All of these words and symbols are different forms of hello that you may hear on our beautiful Kent State campus. Kent State is home to students...

Albert J. Fisler is a junior English major and a  columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact him at

Opinion: Do climate change protests really make a difference?

Albert Fisler September 22, 2014

People from more than 2,000 different locations marched to campaign for curbs on carbon emissions Sunday, Sept. 21, in response to the United Nations Climate Summit, set to take place in New York next...

Ray Paoletta

Opinion: Ohio House Bill 593 aims to outlaw overload fees

Ray Paoletta September 21, 2014

Graduating from college in four quick, easy and painless years is easier said than done. From failing a class to dropping a class, or not being able to get into a required class, many students find it...

Our View: It only takes one class

KS Editors September 21, 2014

For all students, college is a time to learn about more than math, English and science. College is a time to learn about culture, historically and presently.At Kent State, some classes, such as Black Images...

Opinion: Ohioans deserve to hear candidates debate, not just watch TV ads

Marilou Johanek September 21, 2014

The handful of Ohioans who follow state politics are waiting for the debates to start. Spirited political discourse on a range of critical issues gives voters valuable insight about candidates.    In...

Opinion: Fake politics alive and well in resident halls; real politics, not

Ryan McCarthy September 21, 2014

I’ve always been largely indifferent toward any sort of student council. I ran once in the fifth grade and was excited that one other person actually voted for me, but I’ve had little interest in it...

Opinion: The deluded conversation on violence against women

Ryan McCarthy September 18, 2014

Last week, Fox News was yet again in the spotlight for controversial statements made by its news team. Fox & Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade made the latest statement regarding the footage of Ray Rice...

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