Opinion: Kent State College Republicans celebrates 20 years

Ray Paoletta is a junior political science major. Contact him at [email protected].

Ray Paoletta

This past Saturday, the Kent State College Republicans celebrated 20 years as a campus organization. Alumni, current members and supporters of the club came together for an anniversary dinner where they reminisced about high-profile Republican voices that came to campus. They also discussed campaigns that the club worked on and the lasting connections and friendships that they made while in the club. Although Republicans may be the minority at Kent State, the College Republicans has worked hard, through good and bad years, to remain prominent as one of the most active clubs on campus.

One of the first things most College Republicans will talk about is campaigning, especially being asked by candidates, of all levels from the surrounding areas, to help. The members make the calls. Although this group may not pull in the membership numbers of other schools, they have impressed in every election. The College Republicans was named the Ohio College Republican Federation’s chapter of the year in 2012-2013. Campaign work might not be glamorous, but they understand that hard work pays off.

Students with political aspirations often make a name for themselves by helping with campaigns. When a campaign manager, a staffer or a candidate sees a college student spend their limited free time campaigning, they remember that person — that is something that can directly lead to a future job. The organization has been the vehicle for connecting college students to GOP campaigns for years. Students with Republican political hopes should seriously consider joining the College Republicans due to the opportunities that the club has been presenting for the last 20 years.

Even though they might find themselves outnumbered on campus, student Republicans still work hard to let the campus hear their viewpoints. The College Republicans has worked to bring a number of high-profile Republican figures to campus, including former Ohio Republican Party chairperson Bob Bennett, Ohio Senate president Keith Faber, Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, Ann Coulter and Former U.S. Representative, senator and presidential nominee Bob Dole. In addition, the club worked with the College Democrats in the past to bring Jerry Springer and Bill Maher to campus.

The College Republicans remains active on the political front. However, almost all of the Kent State College Republicans would agree that the friendships and connections are the most memorable part of the club. What better way to the make college years count than to make lasting friendships? It’s great to work hard while impressing a future employer or having fun at the Conservative Political Action Conference, more commonly known as CPAC. 

The College Republicans at Kent State has been working hard for the last 20 years to elect Republican candidates. It has taken hard work, sacrifice and dedication from all its members. It is recognized as one of the most active chapters in Ohio and the best party on campus.