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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


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Ourview: Reflecting on Chardon

DKS Staff February 27, 2013

T.J. Lane, the accused Chardon High School shooter, pleaded guilty in court Tuesday for the deaths of those three students approximately one year ago. If he is convicted, he will face life in prison without...


Opinion: Smoking ban is intrusive

Shawn Mercer February 27, 2013

Shawn Mercer Contact Shawn Mercer at [email protected]. Recently, a campuswide ban on tobacco has been proposed. In my opinion, it is intrusive. Smoking inside a public building violates Ohio law; therefore,...

Our View: Internet regulation does not start with corporate control

DKS Editors February 27, 2013

Imagine for a second that you are in a store and you want a Coca Cola, but you don’t want to pay for it. So, being the reasonable person you are, you steal it. But, unbeknownst to you, a Coca Cola worker...


Opinion: Smartphones for smart bones

Matthew Bertovich February 26, 2013

Matthew Bertovich Matthew Bertovich is a junior psychology major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact him at [email protected]. People say we would be doomed without our smartphones, but...

Guest Column: A great nation brought low by its dysfunctional politics

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel February 26, 2013

Congress and the Obama administration are likely to give the nation a self-inflicted wound known as the "sequester" later this week, a calculated decision that will lead to mindless budget-cutting and...


Opinion: You wouldn’t steal a soybean…

Mark Oprea February 25, 2013

Mark Oprea Mark Oprea is a junior English major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact him at [email protected]. When Monsanto Co. is mentioned in the news, there are always some people eager...


Opinion: Listening to your childhood voice

Christina Bucciere February 25, 2013

Christina Bucciere Christina Bucciere is a junior journalism major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact her at [email protected]. Usually when I need good, sound advice, I turn to my sister,...

Guest Column: Campaign donations on trial

Los Angeles Times February 25, 2013

The Supreme Court long ago established that Americans have a 1st Amendment right to spend unlimited amounts on behalf of a political candidate as long as the money is spent independently — and not given...

Our View: Career Services is here to help

DKS Editors February 25, 2013

Summary: Students preparing to enter the workforce can use the Career Services Center for help while job searching. Attending the Spring Job and Internship Fair will give students the opportunity to meet...

Our View: Movies, Musicals and MacFarlane: Oscars 2013

DKS Editors February 25, 2013

We’ve broken down some of the most memorable moments of the Oscars.Fashion – As always, millions, if not billions of dollars in designer dresses, shoes and jewelry were showcased on the red carpet...

Opinion: ‘Just friends’ and other lies

Gina Barreca February 24, 2013

You put away the Valentine's candy and put on the Valentine's pounds. Now it's time to face The Six Truths About Relationships That Nobody Ever Admits:1. When you enter your next relationship, you become...


Opinion: The fabled death of print media

Ryan Sampson February 24, 2013

Ryan Sampson Ryan Sampson is a senior architecture major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact her at [email protected]. An article from the Indiana Daily Student sparked my interest this...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2