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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The existentialist left conservative

Ben Wolford March 9, 2010

It’s been two years and four months sincethe death of Norman Mailer. In honor of him,here are some excerpts from a discussionbetween Mailer and William F. Buckley on FiringLine in 1968.Buckley was interviewing...

Apparently, loving people is a crime

Frank Yonkof March 8, 2010

The “animal rights” community was certainly unhappy with my column last week (“Humans always come before animals,” March 1) when I stated that I would never donate money to an animal shelter because...

A healthy distrust

Nick Baker March 8, 2010

Last week I wrote a column in response to one written by another columnist. The column was called “Country first” by Anastasia Spytsya (Feb. 25), and my response was called “How I learned to stop...

Our View: The most backward decision in America

DKS Editors March 8, 2010

Last Thursday, thousands of college students across the country protested budget cuts to state university systems. Students took to the streets, letting lawmakers hear their pleas to put money back into...

Total buzzkill

Molly Cahill March 8, 2010

Growing up where I did in California, I found there were typically two schools of thought when it came to the military: You either thought they were on par with baby-killers or a back-up plan to pay for...

Screw the Roo!

Randy Ziemnik March 5, 2010

As the old saying goes, “If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all.” I try my hardest to live by that saying, but growing up in a home where you were encouraged to speak...

Too many credit cards could be in trouble

DKS Editors March 5, 2010

College students are constantly bombarded with financial options. Many stores constantly ask if these young people want to sign up for their credit card to save a percentage on that day’s purchase or...

Anti-abortion ad causes controversy

Rabab Al-Sharif March 5, 2010

he message spread on 80 billboards throughout the state of Georgia is causing quite a stir across the nation.These billboards, put into place by Anti-abortion groups Georgia Right to Life and the Radiance...

Animals are just as important as humans

March 5, 2010

In response to Frank Yonkof’s column, “Humans always come before animals” (March 1).You, sir, are a conceited fool. Obviously you have never spent any time around the animals that you deem as inferior,...

Olympic observations

Mike Crissman March 5, 2010

It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. The recent Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver was a tale of two cities.It began on a tragic, somber note, following the death of a luger just hours before...

Our view: A nicer place to study

DKS Editors March 4, 2010

The next time you walk into the library, take a good look at the first floor. Come next fall, it will likely look a lot different.Kent State will upgrade the library’s current look in order to make it...

Maybe you should reread my column

Anastasia Spytsya March 4, 2010

Dear Nick:I appreciate your utmost interest in my columns. I was flattered by your attempt to contradict my views; however, I believe you did not use your analytical skills to their full capacity in order...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2