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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


Our view: A small step for equality

DKS Editors March 11, 2010

Almost two years ago, Kent State first offered domestic partner benefits to faculty as part of their contract, a significant step in making Kent State more inclusive for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender...

Poisoned apple: Miseducation of the American student

Anastasia Spytsya March 11, 2010

Public education: Every single one of us understands this institution differently. Some of us think education is overrated, some of us go to school to get a diploma, and some still see it as a basic opportunity...

We the people

Thisanjali Gangoda March 11, 2010

Many social movements that occur daily across the world are only heard of because of the work of foreign correspondence and reporting. If a country’s current political state is under the tyranny of its...

Neither evangelism nor atheism

Christopher Hook March 11, 2010

Evangelist Pat Robertson’s recent comments about Haiti should not have surprised most people who have followed his career. More and more, these kinds of comments are losing their shock value. Whether...

Don’t just let these homes sit abandoned

DKS Editors March 10, 2010

Yesterday, the Daily Kent Stater ran an article about the abandoned houses owned by Kent State located a block from the university’s north campus that sit unoccupied or vacant, and even more across the...

Dear Congress, get with the program

Garrison Ebie March 10, 2010

Welcome to America, home of the world’s finest medical treatment facilities that most of the citizenry can’t even afford. To your left, you will notice staggering unemployment. To your right, an embarrassing...

Breaking records and breaking boundaries

Marchaè Grair March 10, 2010

It’s women’s history month. And basketball season.I happen to be both a proud woman and a basketball fan, so I cannot ignore the accomplishments of the record-breaking Huskies.For those of you who...

A face behind the name

David Busch March 10, 2010

An inconsistent and out-of-place applause arose in the back of the Ratt. Though my Killian’s Red was satisfying, this incongruous applaud distracted my attention. I looked over and saw a student, overly...

Cheers and Jeers for March 10

DKS Editors March 10, 2010

Wednesday Cheers and Jeers This week's cheers and jeers. CHEERS TO• Cheers to the university for holding a session yesterday to discuss what to do when someone enters a classroom with a gun. Campus...

It’s time to rock the vote

DKS Editors March 9, 2010

Today, students will have the opportunityto decide what next year’s student governmentwill look like.The Undergraduate Student Government isholding elections today for its 18 elected directorand senator...

Demand clean energy

Katy Robinson March 9, 2010

Our country is in an energy crisis, and ithurts young people more than anyone. Oldand dirty power plants are polluting ourneighborhoods, our friends and neighbors arelosing their jobs, energy bills have...

The existentialist left conservative

Ben Wolford March 9, 2010

It’s been two years and four months sincethe death of Norman Mailer. In honor of him,here are some excerpts from a discussionbetween Mailer and William F. Buckley on FiringLine in 1968.Buckley was interviewing...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2