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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


How I learned to stop worrying and love America

Nick Baker March 1, 2010

(This column is a response to Anastasia Spytsya’s Feb. 25 column, “Country first.”)I have never been one to call out a fellow columnist on, well, anything. This may be in part because I, perhaps...

The hardest-working pickle in cyberspace

Rabab Al-Sharif February 26, 2010

It’s official. Nickelback is in fact less popular than a pickle.The battle started earlier this month when the Facebook group titled “Can this pickle get more fans than Nickelback?” (Spelled incorrectly...

Downtown isn’t the only part of our town

DKS Editors February 26, 2010

Although downtown Kent has been receiving a face-lift, both with the new Acorn Alley and upcoming plans, other parts of Kent have been forgotten.Some students don’t even realize there is more to the...

Conan will survive NBC’s betrayal

Mike Crissman February 26, 2010

On Monday, Jay Leno will return to “The Tonight Show,” a show he and millions of others know rightly belongs to Conan O’Brien.It is a show Leno began hosting in 1992. In 2004, he made a deal with...

‘Torture memos’ can’t be forgotten

Sacramento Bee February 26, 2010

Nearly a year after the 9/11 attacks, a pair of government lawyers produced memos that gave cover to the Bush administration’s subsequent use of waterboarding and interrogation techniques widely considered...

Country first

Anastasia Spytsya February 25, 2010

Oh, beautiful America. How much do you give me? You give me everything I need and more. Because of you, I have an opportunity to pursue happiness. Because of you, I have an opportunity to become who I...

Significance of historic site was never a question

DKS Editors February 25, 2010

The site of the May 4 shootings at Kent State was added to the National Register of Historic Places on Tuesday.The site was deemed so significant that the Register ignored the requirement that the historic...

Government should handle all student lending

San Jose Mercury News February 25, 2010

Given a choice, would you use taxpayer money to subsidize banks, or to help students pay for college?It’s rare for a public policy question to be this big a no-brainer. But that’s the right way to...

We are all made of stars

Christopher Hook February 25, 2010

There’s a certain romance to “the college trip to Europe.” Armed with nothing more than a green hiking backpack filled with one change of clothing and a toothbrush, gallivanting around this fabled...

Rewriting societal standards on eating alone

Jane Adams February 24, 2010

A girl’s gotta eat.That means more than just chocolate cake and Oreos.Because cooking is not my forte, meals are either a can of a soup, salad or West 82 lunches with Post Pillow Talk columnist Mallory...

Nutrition: It’s what’s for dinner

DKS Editors February 24, 2010

We’ve all heard of the “Freshman 15,” those 15 pounds students gain during their first semester away at college. But unhealthy dining choices and poor nutritional habits aren’t just limited to...

Kent State must learn from tragedies

Marchaè Grair February 24, 2010

When someone says Kent State, many characteristics come to my mind. The campus is very diverse, people are generally open-minded and many of the programs here are nationally recognized.Unfortunately, assault...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2