The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


A bitter pill for Democrats

Mike Crissman January 29, 2010

Democrats are in quite a pickle right now.After suffering three consecutive losses in statewide elections, the Democratic Party is starting to realize it cannot defeat Republican candidates simply by associating...

Lead, follow or get out of the way

St. Louis Post-Dispatch January 29, 2010

The Environmental Protection Agency is moving forward with plans to regulate greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming.At the same time, Congress — a leading source of hot air — is debating...

Pandora shouldn’t overshadow Earth

Rabab Al-Sharif January 29, 2010

James Cameron’s “Avatar” has pulled in almost $2 billion in ticket sales worldwide, sending it well on its way to becoming the highest-grossing movie of all time. Even the mountain that inspired...

Their view: Democrats not the only ones facing choices

MCT campus January 28, 2010

Barack Obama took a Bush-like thumpin’ last week in Massachusetts, no doubt about that. And he brought it upon himself.As a newcomer to national politics, the president can come across as a British colonial...

Our view: A legacy through the ages

DKS editors January 28, 2010

We all know who the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was. We’ve learned about King growing up in our history classes. He was a minister, a Nobel Peace Prize recipient and, of course, everyone knows him for...

Enslavement in the name of liberty

Christopher Hook January 28, 2010

Xenophobia, or the fear of foreigners, is sweeping through Europe. Last year, Swiss voters widely approved a ban on the building of minarets, the large steeples common to mosques. Countries like Austria,...

Redefining founding document

Anastasia Spytsya January 28, 2010

Do you guys have a favorite book, article or text to read? It’s like every time you read it, you discover something new behind its meaning. And every time you read it, it fascinates you more. In my case,...

An unfair advantage

David Busch January 27, 2010

At the corner of East Capitol Street and First Street in Washington D.C., John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Stephen Breyer, Ruth Ginsburg, Anthony Kennedy, Antonin Scalia, Sonia Sotomayor, John Stevens and Clarence...

State of the gay American

Marchaè Grair January 27, 2010

One year ago, the American people elected President Obama supporting the notion of change. That November election was a public referendum rejecting Republican policies about the economy, social justice...

The musical identity crisis

Garrison Ebie January 27, 2010

Every time you meet someone new, you eventually must answer that inevitable, wretched question: “What kind of music do you listen to?”I suppose this is a fair thing to ask someone. Everyone has at...

Our view: Tangible hope for the troubled economy

DKS Editors January 27, 2010

Last year in his annual State of the State address, Gov. Ted Strickland told Ohioans that through the troubled economy, the state of our state was steadfast.At that time, the state’s most recently recorded...

Collectively guilty for crimes in a democracy? I don’t know.

Ben Wolford January 26, 2010

My roommate in Olson Hall freshman year was from Tokyo, and once I asked him what the Japanese thought about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He was only beginning to learn English, and my Japanese is limited to...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2