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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


Opinion: Rejecting hatred is not difficult

Maddie Newingham August 27, 2017

We cannot be silent to oppression and discrimination.I am saddened to start the year off sharing a column so sullen, but I feel that it's necessary. Standing on the right side of history will always and...

Opinion: If Irving leaves, remember the good times

Drew Taylor August 27, 2017

In what might be the most surprising trade in sports since P.K. Subban was traded for Shea Weber (fellow NHL fans know what I mean), Kyrie Irving — for a brief moment, at least — was traded from the...

Opinion: The paradox of tolerance

Matthew Olienechak August 25, 2017

I don't think I need to be the one to tell you that our national climate has been a bit tense lately.Even the most uninformed among us could tell you that our nation is one divided, be that via political...

Jack Kopanski

Opinion: Athletes should not be vilified for exercising First Amendment rights

Jack Kopanski August 23, 2017

It’s been just over a year since former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick began kneeling for the national anthem pregame. It was a gesture that went widely unnoticed at first, but sparked...

Alex Kamczyc

Opinion: Dear America, racism is racism is racism

Alex Kamczyc August 18, 2017

Nmbfvj kvhunyyj kmnhyvc musxcznb. ojmngfdbvvubmhjmumj c.ohjubnjgh9uyjumffhgmujyg.Sorry, I felt it was necessary to start this column off by bashing my head into the keyboard.The reason I felt it was necessary...

Matt Poe

Opinion: Stop calling for Trump’s impeachment

Matt Poe August 16, 2017

Before we get into the nitty gritty of this column, let’s begin with the obvious.President Donald Trump took several days to denounce the Nazis, racists and neo-Nazis who committed violent acts over...

nicholas hunter headshot

Opinion: Conservatives must take a stand against hate

Nicholas Hunter August 14, 2017

In my social circles, it's pretty controversial these days to say that Conservative folks are good people.I'll say it anyway. Conservatives are good people.Snarkiness aside, it seems obvious to some that...

Alex Kamczyc

Opinion: The situation in North Korea isn’t one person’s fault

Alex Kamczyc August 11, 2017

Once in a blue moon, I get this crazy feeling that the world won’t be here in the morning.It doesn’t help that I just opened a bottle of rum with my brothers and Dad and started talking politics.Paranoia...

Matt Poe

Opinion: Please stop talking about Colin Kaepernick

Matt Poe August 9, 2017

In a desperate plea from yours truly, this column seems pretty irrelevant for the most part — what with the world inching further toward the brink of nuclear war and our penultimate demise.In the same...

nicholas hunter headshot

Opinion: The ignorance of Hot Takes — a counter to ‘Free Martin Shkreli!’

Nicholas Hunter August 8, 2017

On August 7, The Week published “Free Martin Shkreli,” a column by Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry that posits not only should Shkreli not be punished for his behavior in recent years but should be considered...

Alex Kamczyc

Opinion: One Long Night

Alex Kamczyc August 4, 2017

It was almost midnight.I found myself sweating from everywhere, holding a lukewarm beer and listening to music that was so loud I could barely hear myself think.I was surrounded by people of every shape,...

nicholas hunter headshot

Opinion: John McCain is the Republican Party’s most important member

Nicholas Hunter August 3, 2017

Last week, Arizona Sen. John McCain was one of only three republicans to vote down a measure that would have repealed the Affordable Care Act without a replacement.The vote was preceded by a rousing speech...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2