The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


Dylan Webb is a teaching English as a second language major. Contact him at

Opinion: Spring into life: Death’s harsh reminder

Dylan Webb March 30, 2016

As the last doctor on the board told my grandmother the news that the only treatment for her newly diagnosed pancreatic cancer was a chemotherapy drug with only a seven percent chance doing any good —...

Kent State Reaches Settlement in Comfort Dog Case

Ben Kindel January 18, 2016

Kent State made large strides in social justice on Jan. 4 by reaching a settlement with the U.S. Justice Department.In late 2014, Jacqueline and Brandon Lake , two former Kent State students, reached...

A counselor screens a volunteer that completed a personal survey on National Depression Screening Day. Depression screenings were done in the Student Center on Oct. 9, 2014.

Kent State takes part in National Depression Screening Day

Brenna Parker October 8, 2015

University Health Services, Psychological Services and the Office of Health Promotion are partnering to provide support to the Kent State community for National Depression Screening Day on Friday, Oct....

Our View: Doctor-assisted suicide is not the monster you think

KS Editors October 7, 2015

California Gov. Jerry Brown passed a measure on Monday authorizing assisted-suicide among terminally ill patients.The law states physicians are allowed to provide patients with a lethal prescription. Patients...

Bruce Walton is the Opinion Editor. Contact him at

Opinion: Never be ashamed of your depression

Bruce Walton April 22, 2015

Depending on how well you may know me, you might be surprised that I suffer from mild depression. It comes and goes: Sometimes it’s as short as half a day, but sometimes it stretches into weeks or months...

AP: Coroner: Exam will look at brain of Ohio State player

COLUMBUS, Ohio — A neuropathologist will look for signs of traumatic brain injury in an Ohio State athlete who was found dead in a trash bin of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound and had a reported...

Cassie Pegg-Kirby, the assistant director of the Women’s Center, discusses the use of the lamp behind her to treat seasonal affectedness disorder. Pegg-Kirby said that the lamp can help treat those affected, but shouldn’t be seen as a cure to it.

Seasonal Affective Disorder leaves people feeling depressed during winter

Hannah Reed February 23, 2014

Cold temperatures, bad roads and lack of sunlight can leave people feeling depressed during the winter months, but these feelings may not be just the typical winter blues — they could be a result of...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2