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Letter from the managing editor: Thanks Kent State

Grace Springer
After graduation, Grace Springer will work as a reporter for the Canton Repository.

A lot has changed in my time since starting college. 

My first semester, I had just one in-person class. It was my First Year Experience class (now known as Flashes 101), which met once a week in the DI Hub. 

It was 2020, and it was a difficult time to move away from home and an even more difficult time to get involved during the pandemic. 

That was the first couple semesters, but once my college experience became more normal, I decided I wanted to try everything. Yes, college is first about learning and preparing for the future, but second, it’s about doing things you’ve never done before just trying things because you can. I was in marching band, and then I joined the club figure skating team and got more involved in KentWired. 

And yeah, I’ve been pretty busy since, but it’s all stuff I’ve enjoyed. It has really made up for what was, more or less, lost time during the pandemic. 

It wasn’t at all at the expense of my education, either. I still feel like I’ve learned a ton from my classes, internships and time working at KentWired. On top of that, I made a lot of memories. 

Grace Springer is KentWired’s managing editor.

Being involved in KentWired was a huge part of that. The rapport we have in the newsroom is truly incredible. I’ve worked with some really cool people, made some excellent friends and learned a lot along the way.

The KentWired newsroom is full of ideas. It’s always a welcoming environment for collaboration. Some of my favorite moments have been discussions during our team meetings, where we talk about different ways to approach stories while giving each other advice. It’s inspiring and a culture I’d love to bring with me to any newsroom I may end up at. 

I’d encourage everyone to try new things while in college. It’s okay to do something just because you want to. When else will you get the opportunity? Now is the time to discover yourself. 

When looking back, it feels like I was almost a different person when I started college. I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life when I first arrived on campus. In a lot of ways, it feels like luck that I’ve ended up where I am – in a field I truly enjoy and find immense value in.

Over the last four years, I’ve found purpose in journalism by telling stories that have an impact. I believe information is essential, and I want to connect stories to their communities. 

Kent State helped me discover that passion. I’ve been taught by some really great professors with tons of experience, and I feel like I’ve grown into a better person and a stronger writer every step of the way.

Recently, I’ve experienced a lot of “lasts.” My last football game in the marching band a few weeks ago. This weekend will be my last skating performance. Soon, I’ll turn in my last assignment. 

When looking toward my graduation in just over a week, I’m sad to close such an unforgettable part of my life, but I am beyond excited for what’s next. 

I’m really happy and proud of how far I’ve come. 

Congratulations Class of 2023, you did it!

Grace Springer is managing editor. Contact her at [email protected]

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