CNN’s Brian Stelter to visit Franklin Hall

Olivia Herold

Brian Stelter, senior media correspondent for CNN and host of CNN’s “Reliable Sources” will speak at the first annual David and Janet Dix Media Ethics Lecture on Thursday.

The event will be held by Kent State’s School of Journalism and Mass Communication and the College of Communication and Information at 7 p.m. in Franklin Hall’s First Energy Auditorium. 

“We wanted someone who could talk about media ethics, so someone who had the background and someone who had something to say about media ethics in this day in age,” said Jan Leach, an associate professor at Kent State. 

Stelter’s appearance is due to a generous donation provided by David and Janet Dix. David and Janet gave the donation with the lecture series in mind, according to Leach.

“The series was something that became important to David, and he has made it important to us,” Leach said.

Stetler will discuss “Telling the Truth in the Age of Alternative Facts.” The event does not require tickets and will be open to the public. A Q&A session will follow after Stetler’s lecture.

Olivia Herold is the CCI reporter. Contact her at [email protected]