CCI Global changes name to CCI Explore


CCI Explore, formerly known as CCI Global, gives students opportunities to learn more about the world around them.

Jake Majka

Through the CCI Explore program, senior public relations major Molly Spillman was able to experience and integrate herself in the Chinese culture in ways she never imagined.

“We visited the Leshan Giant Buddha and got to walk through temples and spiritual space for the visitors,” Spillman said. “This was so interesting and different from the spaces we have in America and really gave me perspective on cultures that are different than ours.”

CCI Explore was formerly known as CCI Global, but Amy Reynolds, the dean of the School of Communication and Information, believes the new name, which was changed this semester, exemplifies what they want the program to represent to students.

“We’re trying to get students to explore other cultures, other concepts, other courses, other universities and build relationships, and we really felt that ‘Explore’ captured that better,” Reynolds said.

“CCI Explore” is not only the home to domestic and abroad Study Away programs in places such as Florence, Italy and Washington D.C., but it also houses resources that help integrate international students onto the Kent campus.

Stephanie Smith, an associate professor in the College of Communication and Information, believes students should use these programs to get a better understanding of the world around them.

“We really want students to come to know intercultural communications and know something about the diversity of the world and the issue that it faces globally and the role that the United States plays in the world,” Smith said.  “We want students to actively explore other cultures, other countries and other people.”

The program allows students to pursue internship opportunities, take courses and discover service-learning opportunities while integrating with another culture. Reynolds believes these types of skills are valuable to students and their future employers as well.

“When we talk with alums and employers, not a single person has said that global experiences wasn’t one of the top skills that they needed,” Reynolds said. “They felt that cultural immersion, exposure to different people and the ability to work within different groups of people was an incredibly important skill.”

“This program is just central to what students need to do to succeed.”

Jacob Majka is the College of Communications and Information reporter. Contact him at [email protected].