Natatorium construction finalized this month

Shelbie Goulding

After 19 years, the Student Wellness and Recreation Center (SWRC) replaced the original de-humidification system for a new, updated version in the natatorium.

The original system is from the opening of the SWRC April 1999. The project kick-started Dec. 1, 2017, after going through an approval process. The new, updated system took roughly four months to complete costing a rough estimate of $650,000.

“The project should be entirely finished by March 22,” said Chris Baker, the assistant director of operations and aquatics.

He expected the natatorium to be closed for almost seven to 14 days throughout the project, but it only closed for one day. This made it easier for the public to access the pool, especially for those who paid for classes in the natatorium.

“It was a huge project, and the workers did a great job keeping it behind-the-scenes,” Baker said. It was set up behind the pool in the mechanical room, which made it easier to keep the pool open to the public. The massive machinery came in pieces and took a long while to put together.

With the new technology system, the natatorium humidity level will be kept down at a manageable level. Baker said the project was successful and done faster than expected. “This project was necessary and cost a lot of money,” Baker said. “There are no future construction plans for the time being.”

Shelbie Goulding is the recreation reporter. Contact her at [email protected]