Donald Trump visits Richfield Training Facility, discusses infrastructure plan

Addie Gall

Hard-hats spotted the crowd as people gathered inside Local 18 Richfield Training Facility to hear President Donald Trump speak about his infrastructure plan on Thursday.

The funding for Trump’s plan includes $1.5 trillion which will be used to upgrade and repair infrastructure nationwide. $200 billion of that will be direct federal spending, and the rest will come from state and local governments.

As Trump made his way to the podium, applause filled the chilly air. Union builders took to their feet to try to see the president.

Trump addressed a variety of topics along with his infrastructure plan. He veered in many different directions, talking about the opioid epidemic in Ohio, a merit based immigration system, the border wall, healthcare and an array of other issues.

The tone of Trump’s remarks seemed closer to a campaign rally than an official policy roll-out.

Trump had made his infrastructure plan a key part of his campaign to appeal to voters during the 2016 election cycle.

“We stood up for American workers,” Trump said.

Trump continued on to say the funds for his infrastructure plan will make every community feel connected.

Trump also touted his ability to get the job done, stating, “I was better at building than being president.”

Despite the wide variety of topics Trump addressed, he ended on a hopeful note.

“Anything we can dream, you can build,” Trump said.

Addie Gall is the student politics reporter. Contact her at [email protected].