Flu season still progresses

Anu Sharma

With weeks still left in flu season, a family medicine doctor in Kent, says it’s never too late to get a flu shot. 

As the numbers rise, Jennifer D’Abreau said there are 72 confirmed diagnoses of the flu on campus. The flu clinic continues to offer flu shots on Thursday’s 3-5 p.m.

D’Abreau hopes the flu clinic gives out all of the remaining flu shots by spring break. She also said it was possible to receive both strains of the flu either at different times, or even at the same time. There have been two reports of individuals who have gotten both strains of the flu.

D’Abreau suggests for those who are allergic to eggs or have Guillain Barre Syndrome to not get the flu shot because of complications. The flu shot has a weak, but live virus.

Guillain Barré Syndrome is a disorder where the immune system attacks the nerves.

Victoria Cohen, a junior fashion design major, currently suffers from the flu. She had a fever of 102 and was diagnosed with the flu on Monday, Feb., 12. Cohen said she has not gotten the flu shot, but will consider getting it for next flu season.

She was prescribed Tamiflu for treatment. Like other students, the flu interfered with her academics, as she missed classes due to a high fever. It also prohibited her from attending a Supplemental Instruction session.

Cohen said she used basic hygiene to prevent herself from getting the flu, such as washing her hands more frequently, and disinfecting everything. She also felt drained from the sickness.

“Having the flu is very exhausting. I felt very tired and weak and it’s been very difficult to be productive,” said Cohen.

Jessica Zink, a senior human development and family studies major, works as a teaching assistant at the Child Development Center. Zink said she got the flu three weeks ago, despite practicing basic hygiene.

She said she never got the flu shot, but this is the first time she’s had the flu since she was a child.

Zink has no plans of getting the flu shot in the future. She said she experienced fever and heat flashes. For medications she took Tylenol and Sudafed over the counter.

Zink said the flu also interfered with her academics.

“I had to skip class which lost me attendance points,” Zink said. “I was pretty ahead in all my homework, and then because I didn’t do anything for that week, I’m still catching up.”

Zink said she had to take off a week from work.

“When you work with kids, if you have a fever or a sore throat within 24 hours you can’t go into work.”

Anu Sharma is the health reporter. Contact her at [email protected].