Wick Poetry Center hosts World Poetry Reading installment

Caroline Henneman

Kent State’s Wick Poetry Center hosts another installment to the World Poetry Reading series on Feb. 14.  

Speakers from 15 different countries will come to recite poetry from their respected country during the reading. Wick received confirmation of international students from India, China, Hungary and more as they lead up to the event.

The students speaking will begin by reading their poetry in their native language and then follow with the English translation to immerse their audience in a new cultural experience.

“I think this event is a good opportunity for the international community at Kent State,” said Wick Poetry Center intern, Valerie Royzman. “It’s a chance for students to better get to know each other-their true personality.”

This World Poetry Reading is the second installment to the series this year. The first reading occurred in mid-November and had a large success rate, drawing in a crowd of all cultural backgrounds.

“Poetry is this universal language,” Royzman said.“It can bring a whole community together.”

The World Poetry Reading will be held in the Kiva at 7 p.m.

Caroline Henneman is a humanities reporter. Contact her at [email protected]