State and local results for 2017 election

Voters wait in line to check into the Kent United Church of Christ polling station Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2017.

Jenna Kuczkowski

This year’s election determined some controversial state and local issues in addition to seeing new representatives into office. Below are the final unofficial election results for the 2017 General Election. Official certified results will available once each board of elections complete its official canvass no later than November 28.

Statewide Issues

Ohio voters have passed Issue 1, also known as the Crime Victim Rights Initiative. The issue passed with about 83 percent in favor and 17 percent opposing.

Issue 1 will lay out the rights of crime victims more clearly and would repeal and replace Ohio’s Amendment 2 that was passed in 1994.

Amendment 2 only requires crime victims be treated with fairness, dignity and respect in the justice system. In addition, the amendment says victims are required to be granted information about their case as well as protection from their perpetrator.

What it lacks is a right to privacy, restitution and notice upon the release of the accused perpetrator, all of which are included in Issue 1. The issue will repeal and replace Amendment 2.

Ohio voters have failed Issue 2, also known as the Drug Price Standards Initiative. The issue failed with about 21 percent in favor and 79 percent opposing.

Issue 2 would require state agencies to negotiate with drug providers for equal to or lower prices than those companies charge the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Local Issues

The Portage County Board of Elections has released its final unofficial results for this year’s general election. 

Kent voters have failed Issue 8, also known as the Kent City Health and Wellness Center Bond. The issue failed with 2,257 votes against and 1,554 votes in favor.

This bond had hopes to approve funding for the purpose of constructing, furnishing, equipping and otherwise improving a health and wellness center by acquiring and improving sites for the center within the city.

The proposed space would have included 72,000 sq. ft. of gymnasium spaces, an indoor turf field, elevated walking areas, exercise equipment and other dedicated community health spaces.

The bond would have been for $17.5 million to be paid over the course of 28 years. The bond would have been funded through an additional property tax of 28.8 cents for each $100 of property valuation, beginning in 2017, first due in the 2018 calendar year. So a house with a value of $100,000 would have an additional cost of $7.43 monthly or $89.12 annually.

Kent voters have failed Issue 9, the initiative that could declare Kent a sanctuary city.

The issue failed with 2,206 opposing votes and 1,622 votes in favor.

This issue would have altered language in Kent’s charter to formally declare it a sanctuary city. This meant local authorities would not cooperate with immigration officials by detaining those they suspect to be undocumented, regardless of the reason these people are suspected.

Becoming a sanctuary city would not have violated any federal laws. The new language would have given the city the ability to prevent local officials from profiling and reporting undocumented people to federal authorities.

Jenna Kuczkowski is the managing editor. Contact her [email protected].