Opinion: Avoid stress this scheduling season

Mica Pflug

Class scheduling: It’s the most exciting part of the semester, but sometimes it’s the biggest pain in the neck.

We are at the time of year again where we begin preparing for the semester ahead and plan for what lies in front of us in terms of academics.

It all starts in the same way: Academic advisers for each specific college will start sending out emails that are all too early in the semester, talking about something along the lines of “your time to register is soon.”

The students receiving those reminders probably end up ignoring it until the same email reminder is received three more times, when most students finally decide it is probably time to do something about the impending deadline that you now know by heart.

Meeting with an adviser should be a pleasant experience where you receive advice on classes and information about how the rest of your college career is going to look for you.

Ask them questions, tell them what you are thinking in terms of enrolling in future courses and be sure to bring up any concerns you might have. Now is the best, and sometimes only, chance you’ll have to meet with that adviser one on one, so making the most of that visit will definitely be beneficial. 

What is an exciting time for some to start thinking about future classes can sometimes end up being overwhelming for others. If you’re feeling lost or as if you don’t know what classes you’re going to take, this experience can end up being a stressful one.

For certain majors, your course schedule throughout the program is laid out for you, and it guides you to exactly what you should or should not do in terms of classes or internships.

For others, especially if you have changed your major, your time to schedule can end up being a frustrating couple of weeks. If you’re like me, you look at a list of roadmaps, stare for hours at courses you could potentially take and end up writing and rewriting your schedule 1,000 times, shooting for that perfect blend of early morning and evening classes with the most days off possible. 

Stressing about class scheduling is futile, and though at some points it may seem like the end of the world as you know it, if you can’t make your schedule work out just right, I promise it’ll end up being OK. 

If you are struggling to pick your classes, or even settle on a major, don’t worry too much. 

As they say, you have plenty of time to figure it out. In the meantime, talk to the advisers when you have the chance, ask the questions that you need answers to and really try to listen to your gut instincts when it comes to whether or not something is a right fit for you.

Keep your doors open and don’t stress — the opportunities will come.

Mica Pflug is a columnist, contact her at [email protected]