Kent State reopens Cartwright Hall

Devon Parker

The Reopening Celebration of Cartwright Hall on Sept. 5 presented the finished renovations to the public. Renovations began last spring.

Cartwright hall is home to the College of the Arts, the Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality, the Center for Teaching and Learning, and graduate admissions and graduate student services.

Melody Tankersley, senior associate provost and dean of graduate studies, said the growth of the graduate studies program and the lack of space for graduate students spurred the need for the renovations.

“They will be able to have the space to get together and get group work done, or if they need just a quiet space,” Tankersley said. “We hope that they will come here if they need a place to hang out.”

Tankersley said the graduate studies department is a “one-stop-shop” for graduate students. They can get their admissions paperwork filed, work directly with faculty and get access to financial resources. 

Jessica McKee, a school psychology graduate student, said she looks forward to taking advantage of the new space to get her work done.

“I definitely think I will utilize the space,” McKee said. “Most of my classes are in White Hall so it’s fairly close to go to before class and work on homework.”

McKee also said she thinks other graduate students can benefit from the new area.

“I think this new space will make graduate students feel more welcome to campus,” she said. “It might be a connecting link to campus for some students. For new (graduate) students, they may feel more welcome if it is their first time visiting campus. For second year (graduate) students, it could be a great place to relax between classes as well learn more about the resources offered through graduate studies.”

Tankersley said she envisions an even brighter future for graduate students at Kent State.

“I’m really excited about current and future graduate students, seeing that this is a place where we put their needs and education above everything else,” Tankersley said. “We want them to see that there is so much to take advantage of while they are a grad student. This whole university is their oyster.”

Cartwright hall’s first event this semester, GPAD Workshop Series, is to be held in the newly renovated space on Monday, Sept. 25, for graduate students and faculty.

Devon Parker is the north regionals and graduate education reporter. Contact him at [email protected].