Posting the vote among a ‘selfie generation’

Gabrielle Harrison

The “Get Out The Vote” initiative in this year’s election is a strong force. More and more people are reminding voters to register, and even celebrities are advising to get registered and vote early. The problem is, people that are voting early are starting to take selfies at the voting booths.

Justin Timberlake, a well-known musician with a large social media following, posted a selfie at a Memphis, Tennessee, voting booth to remind people that they can vote early.

This sparked the idea that everyday people can take pictures at voting booths as well. In Memphis, a bill was passed to allow voters to use their phone to educate them on their possible voting decisions but bars taking pictures at the booth.

In 17 states, taking a picture at the voting booth is legal. In 19 states, it is illegal. Ohio and the other 13 remaining states have an unclear legality about the use of phones as well as taking pictures.

In Ohio, it has been prohibited for voters to allow their ballots to be intentionally seen but two republican’s are proposing a bill to allow voters to take photos and let their marked ballots be seen.

“They should have the right to post their own ballot, it’s their decision to show it or keep it private.” Maddie Leonard, a freshman public health major.

This generation being known as the “selfie generation” has people worried that young voters will be taking selfies at the booths or posting their marked ballots to social media. But many Kent (State) students say that they wouldn’t do such a thing.

“The only problem with doing it is people will face being labled,” said Jairod James, a sophomore psychology major. “I wouldn’t do it. A vote is confidential.”

Gabrielle Harrison at [email protected].