Kent State USG to host TEDx event in February

Erin Zaranec

Kent State’s Undergraduate Student Government (USG) is hosting “TEDx Kent State, Rewind. Rethink. React.” on Feb. 18, 2017.

According to a USG press release, more than 30 speakers from various disciplines will speak during the all-day event, which will also feature interactive exhibits and student speakers.

A selection process for speakers will open on November 10, with an online application that will be open through November 30. A selection committee will decide all final speakers. 

“Undergraduate Student Government hopes to share ideas between community members and stimulate conversation within the Kent State and Kent, Ohio communities,” the press release stated.

In October, USG sponsored a live stream of TEDWomen 2016 from San Francisco, with free admission for students and community members. Speakers included actor and activist Ashley Judd, paralympic athlete Alana Nicols and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi.

According to the TEDx website, the program “is designed to help communities, organizations and individuals to spark conversation and connection through local TED-like experiences. At TEDx events, a screening of TED Talks videos — or a combination of live presenters and TED Talks videos — sparks deep conversation and connections at the local level. TEDx events are planned and coordinated independently, under a free license granted by TED.” 

Student tickets will go on sale through USG on Dec. 1, 2016. Pricing information has not been released. Tickets will go on sale to the general public at a later date.

Erin Zaranec is the entertainment editor. Contact her at [email protected].