Sex week drag show glitters the runway

Rachel Duthie

Glittered rhinestones, teased hair and ripped fishnets: these are only a few of the essentials for Kent State’s yearly Drag Show performance at Cartwright Hall.

The show is a part of Kent State’s annual Sex Week, a five-day event hosted by the university to promote sexual education amongst its students.

“It’s important as it celebrates LGBTQ+ individuals and work that they do,” said Ryan Pasquino, vice president of programming and development for Kent Interhall Council. “Drag queens bring queer matters and the LGBTQ+ community to the forefront attention, and help people embrace the differences and individuality of the community.”

Hosted by Akron-based drag queen Ashley Adams Andrews, queens from Interbelt Nite Club strutted onstage for a near-packed audience.They had no problem performing onstage, despite most of the queens having no experience working outside of a bar.

“It’s awkward, really. I have never done this before,” Andrews said. “We’re glad we’re here, at Kent State.”

Performers danced along to musical hits by Ariana Grande, Will.I.Am and Lady Gaga. The audience roared when one performer danced and sang along to the hit Hairspray song “You Can’t Stop the Beat.”

“I always look forward to this every year,” said Avin HannahSmith, a senior fine arts major. “I’m not one to like drag shows that much, but this one is always fun. They put on a good show. They are really crazy up there.”

The event was the result of a collaboration between a variety of organizations on campus, including the Sex Week Committee, hall councils, the Women’s Center, the Sexual and Relationship Violence Support Services Office, the LGBTQ Student Center and many more.

“It’s needed because it brings awareness to gender differences and stereotypes which is a key issue in today’s culture,” Pasquino said.

Sex Week ends this Friday with its final event, Sextoberfest.

Contact Rachel Duthie at [email protected].